Community Outreach

SPU nursing students practice giving insulin injections.

Films melding work and faith inspire

SPU’s Center for 信仰ful Business launched Serving the World, the fourth season of the 信仰 & Co. film series. 的 films explore how business can be a powerful instrument in solving social and environmental problems around the world. 的se stories show how faith is shaping and inspiring companies to creatively manage the multiple impacts they have on the world around them, serving local communities and stewarding God’s creation. An online eight-week course complements 的电影.

View all the 信仰 & Co. episodes at

“It was important for me to go to a college where people around me were going to help me grow, and to have professors who incorporate faith into their work and into their lives.” —Macie, Class of 2023

Connecting nurses and public health

School of 健康 科学 partnered with King County’s Public 健康 Departments to link nursing students with public health opportunities. 的 effort is part of a grant from the county, now in its fourth year. 的 partnership introduces eight nursing student fellows to opportunities to serve in the public health sector.

“的 biggest impact on my life as a Christian is being in community with others. I definitely wouldn't be where I am with my faith without my student leadership role and my SPU community.” —Josh, Class of 2022

Students assist World Relief 西雅图

SPU students seeking civic engagement set up World Relief 西雅图’s Home-to-Home exhibit as part of SPU’s Latreia Engagement Day in October. 的 13 students built the exhibit — which reflected the refugee/asylum journey — for World Relief’s Annual Gala.